Dual Universe Gameplay 2022 You and many others emerge from cryosleep in an unidentified galaxy ten thousand years after a neutron star collision decimated Earth.
You have the chance to rebuild civilization in this brand-new solar system as settlers in this far-off world.
The pathways you choose, not a character class, determine your role.
What kind of universe will you choose to create?
Building everything you can imagine is possible, and one of the most cutting-edge voxel technologies ever developed makes it possible to bring entire worlds to life. Every action you take in our shared reality is permanent, and everyone can witness the results!
Do you wish to construct a massive space station or a heart-pounding racetrack to house your industrial complex? Do you wish to relax at your house in the woods or command a massive warship?
Additionally, if you don’t feel like creating, you can browse the system’s many player-run stores and indulge your shopping urges.